Monday, February 16, 2015

These several tons of heavy boulders were originally formed 60 million years ago during the early P

According to local Maori legend Moeraki boulders are the remains of eel baskets, sweet potato and pumpkin, which was washed up on shore after a shipwreck large canoes with sails, so-called. Arai-te-uru. Groups of rocks that stretch the area of Shag Point, sunporno Maori argue, are petrified hull canoes, and nearby rocky promontory - the body of Captain.
Moeraki boulders sunporno are actually certain types of large rocks recognizable by its fairly round shape. They can be found scattered around the beach Koekohe near Moerakia, a small town on New Zealand's Otago coast. This part of the beach is protected by the government as a scientific reserve. Moeraki boulders sunporno are not the only such rocks the size and shape; and in other parts of the coast of New Zealand there are huge round boulders formed over millions of years.
These several tons of heavy boulders were originally formed 60 million years ago during the early Paleocene. Some have a diameter of up to 3 meters. Millions of years boulders lay buried under layers of earth that it is during the time covered. With time, the waves washed sludge and those appeared.
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