Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Arrow is in many ways very similar disney to another avenger. namely Batman. But with bow and arrow

After a violent shipwreck disappeared billionaire playboy Oliver Queen was supposed to be dead. But five years after the accident he is found on a deserted island in the Pacific. disney He returns home to Starling City, but the time on the island has changed him. Above all, the secrets of his father revealed to him before his death changed him. While Oliver tries to rebuild relationships with their loved ones, he creates secretly Arrow - a rättskipare to inform Oliver's family's sins, fighting against social injustice disney and do Starling City to the city it once was.
Oliver Queen has promised his father to survive and return disney to Starling City, where he lives with his mother who has just married the father's colleague Walter disney Steele. His mission disney at night is that and restore Starling City so it will be as before. Before all crimes. At night he is alone Avengers in green hood.
Arrow is in many ways very similar disney to another avenger. namely Batman. But with bow and arrow. They have no direct superhero properties but are well trained, and they also have similar backstories. Batman avenge his parents' death by combating crime, and Arrow fights crime to make good his dead father's sins.
One can see the series on the Internet (swefilmer). I think the series is good, it has good actor, well filmed and good story. I think the most recommended for adolescents. Even for adults who are interested in these kinds of series. Review overview Actors Story Environment Summary
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