Tuesday, April 29, 2014

It was a neat square of its history and the people presenting the museum. My attention was attracte

Tagged memoirs "Flips: Jaanus Nurmoja
A good man in Tartu - Katil (who knows, it knows) - was recently birthday. In this regard, I was reminded of one of the modern Christmas, 7m but not yet recorded a dream in which the operation took place around his country home. ** '
It all started with a larger variety 7m of the people at the party, and somehow the knowledge that the scene is Otepaa. 7m Anyway, at one point I saw Katit walking distance, and a lively conversation with my girlfriend, who recalled the great Diana Kuntorit (Rakvere Triin director of the nursery school, one good example is found in the picture here). 7m They went to a firm step away from the event, and their direction, I conclude only one thing - the destination is Kati summer home.
On the one hand, I did not bother to run or do not want to kiirkõndi over the field "hello" shout. On the other hand, I had no desire to have any conversation with them (right now) mix. Third, I do not remember anymore exactly how to go to a summer Kati. Katit one of a number of hatching time and talk to him but I still wanted to blow. The result was a brilliant idea in my head. Going quietly after them, I see from a distance to which they go into the house and then stepping in like that if introduced into a random review.
Kati, Diana, and it probably climbed slopes up and headed to the left, as expected. I knew so much that at some point they should turn to the left again, and the way that it brings me Kati country house.
I was surprised the city roads intersection encountered. Our business center of the town-like settlement. Directly in front and slightly to the left was a small old quarter, but the right was a modern city square with heavy traffic. This challenge surrounding houses, however, the "city" piirduski - behind the houses was an emptiness, or a normal agraarmaastik.
My girlfriend turned to the right just before the "Old Town" to the left, like I expected. I came to the same place and saw them going down the road. I started to move in that way. Right turned the street, which led to a four-sided limestone tower. I saw a reference to it, which showed the way for the museum. I made a conclusion 7m that it is museum tower. The above also went to the second street to the right. A small map of the city showed that even this leads to the museum.
It was a neat square of its history and the people presenting the museum. My attention was attracted by an exhibition table. There were diaries that visitors could browse. And one of them was Kati's Blog!
It was open at the last entry. As soon as it caught my eye clever solution that answered - maybe even "too" - personal data processing best practices. Kati was well thought through how to write a maximum, while protecting people's privacy be mentioned diary 'eyes.
Any real name replaced with a code name, the meaning of which will probably only knew Kati. Of course, these people also had the opportunity to recognize himself, who was a diary story. One of them had the names of the code s (23). I thought that behind me, I guess (after 7m the date of birth).
This person had some kind of characterizing the term or phrase. I can not remember what it was, but my reaction was something like this: "Ah soo ... hmm ... I wonder about it, I do not own came ... But maybe that's your grain of truth?" There However, it was written, how it s (23 ) came to the village, trying to leave the impression that there were randomly run into ...
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