Dexter is an American drama series that reached in 2013 its eighth and presumably final season. It is a mixture of psychological thriller, mystery series, black comedy, suspense and drama. cancan Dexter Morgan is the main character, a person who leads a double life. Apparently, a geneticist at the Miami Police Department Metro and specializes in sequencing of blood samples.
Secretly, he is a serial murderer. At first the series was based on a series of novels by Jeff Lindsay but after the first season of the series the writers themselves took the description of the adventures of the character, using as inspiration some real cases and not following the stories described in the books. Dexter cancan is a murderer. Mata that feels a "high" every time he does it and commits his crimes following a rigid protocol he calls "the code", a set of rules of conduct instilled his adoptive father, a police expert in mind control. The code is basically cancan two principles can only kill someone after finding conclusive evidence that he is guilty of murder and Dexter must get rid of all the tests to avoid being captured ... The message is dangerous and terrible because what remains underneath is some justification for their criminal activities, as if that makes it less dangerous to society than its omission. About 1% of the total population and almost 25% of prisoners convicted of serious crimes show psychopathy traits: lack of empathy, antisocial behavior, superficial charm and intelligence, absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking, absence nervousness or other neurotic manifestations, continuous lies and insincerity, lack of remorse over the damage, seeking immediate personal reward, superficial relationships, insincerity, manipulative personality, great confidence, poor judgment and difficulty learning experience, cruelty and poor impulse control and instincts. These people affected by psychopathy commit a disproportionately high percentage cancan of cruel and violent crimes and have a high recidivism. Even the profile of these offenses is different: for example, most of the killings are instrumental psychopaths - looking for a target - rather cancan than reactive - made in response to prior aggression or an extreme situation - they are much more frequent in the normotÃpica population. In the diagnostic manual (DSM-V) psychopathy is included within the called Antisocial Personality Disorder / Psychopathic Type and is defined by the following characteristics:-Insensitivity-aggression-handling-hostility, deceit, narcissism, irresponsibility- , recklessness and impulsiveness. This disorder is hugely popular in film and television cancan cast of characters who loathe codes of conduct in our society. Researchers conducted a study with 121 prisoners of U.S. prisons to which they classified into groups with high, moderate or low psychopathy. They were asked to imaginasen another person feeling pain and also taught assaulted videos and pictures of people with pained expression while monitoring their brain activity using neuroimaging techniques. In such cases, the subjects showed no activation of brain areas related to empathy but, surprisingly, the onset of cerebral activity after those images of suffering cancan occurred in areas related to pleasure. It would be like if your brain circuits cancan were deformed or connections were wrong and were unable to feel compassion for the suffering of others and, conversely, reward circuits were activated. Some think that those people should be classified as emotional disabilities, since they lack a mental function that is innate in others and that would be a key factor in interpersonal cancan relations in a social species like ours. Participants with high levels of psychopathy showed less activation in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, the lateral orbitofrontal cortex, the amygdala cancan and the periaqueductal gray and more activity in the striatum and insula than controls. The high response in the insula of psychopaths was an unexpected result because it is a region involved in emotions. Since the insula controls our physical and emotional state is thought to be important to be aware of our feelings and to empathize with the feelings of others. It was thought that then the island would have reduced their activity in psychopaths but fu
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